5 Tips For Living With Erectile Dysfunction

5 Tips For Living With Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction is a major issue among American men. In fact, around 30 million men suffer with erectile dysfunction. ED, or the inability to keep an erection during intercourse impacts both physical and emotional relationships. Luckily, coping with ED is possible and oftentimes curable depending on the cause. When properly diagnosed, it’s possible to find a solution without medication.

Eczema - Managing The Itch

Eczema - Managing The Itch

Everyone has to deal with itchy skin sometime. A mosquito bite, a bout with chickenpox, or an allergic reaction to a wool sweater can set off an irritating episode of itching. But itchy, red, cracked, blistered, and leathery is more than just run-of-the-mill dry skin. You’re battling eczema, a skin condition affecting as many as 30 million Americans.

Living With The Symptoms Of Multiple Sclerosis

Living With The Symptoms Of Multiple Sclerosis

For those who are not aware, there are about 10,000 known diseases that can adversely affect our health, according to an article published in the Washington Post. Of those, multiple sclerosis is, arguably, one of the more serious ones. And there are several reasons why many physicians, epidemiologists, and researchers share in this assertion. Sometimes referred to as MS, multiple sclerosis is a potentially disabling disease that can affect the brain.

Understanding Back Pain

Understanding Back Pain

If you're struggling with back pain, you are not alone. According to a study published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, back pain affects the lives of more than 50 million Americans. Of those, an estimated 20 million have what is described as "high-impact chronic pain," which is severe pain that significantly disrupts their day-to-day life.

Health Benefits Of Cycling

Health Benefits Of Cycling

Running isn’t the only exercise that gets your blood flowing. Cycling is a favorite among many for a good reason. You get to choose the intensity of the exercise, which allows anyone to do it. As with every kind of exercise, cycling offers a slew of health benefits. Here are a few health benefits that will get your wheels spinning.

Tips On How To Trim Your Trees

Tips On How To Trim Your Trees

Having an idea of how to go about pruning or trimming a tree reduces your need to call in a professional to do it for you. There exists a broad array of pruning methods and techniques you can employ to keep the vegetation in your estate in top shape. Access to the right information and trimming equipment is vital if you are to maintain the health and appearance of your trees. Pruning is vital in getting rid of dead branches and other popular problems that could pose a danger to people in that estate.

Toughest Suvs Of All Time

Toughest Suvs Of All Time

There are usually two types of drivers. One type buys a vehicle expecting to replace it every five years or so. The other type buys a vehicle known for lasting as long as possible. In the modern world of high-tech vehicles with nanny systems to monitor your driving and more safety features than anything else, you won’t find too many tough SUVs left. The toughest SUVs often appear outdated compared to modern standards. Many are indeed outdated. Let’s take a look at some of the most rugged SUVs ever made.